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OpenModem is a very flexible and open packet radio modem and TNC. It is built on the proven reliability and performance of the MicroModem platform, but updated with all-round better components, a better DAC and ADC, a faster processor, and a much more powerful firmware, capable of many features that were simply not possible in the limited space of the previous iteration. New expansion ports for GPS, Bluetooth and SD cards have also been added.

OpenModem supports both standard 1200-baud operation, but also 300-baud operation for HF packet, and experimental 2400-baud operation.

OpenModem can handle large packets. With its MTU of 576 bytes and very large packet buffer, it can handle practically any packet radio software in existence. It also makes it possible to use the modem as a generic IP network interface in Linux.

OpenModem can be powered directly from wide range of supplies, so now you can operate an OpenModem from 12v lead-acid batteries, LiPo-batteries, USB power, a DC power supply and much more. The case has all connectors available on the back, and includes slots for mounting an SMA connector for external GPS-antennas, and a AUX-port for user I/O.

It's also easier than ever to connect your radio, with the onboard 4-pole standard 3.5mm jack connector (the black connector to the right of the USB connector in the above photo).

An improved PTT circuit lets you select the PTT style of your radio with an onboard jumper switch, and can match virtually any radio - no more fiddling around with cumbersome external PTT circuits, even for handhelds that use in-line PTT switching like some Yaesu handhelds.

And of course, it is still 100% Open Source, both hardware and software. The only one of its kind on the market today, OpenModem lets you inspect, learn from and modify any part of its design and workings, both hardware and software, and everything is well documented.

While OpenModem works out of the box as a powerful modem and KISS-compatible TNC, it is also fully Arduino-compatible. That means you can easily reprogram the modem from the Arduino IDE. Take a look at this page for info on easily adding the unsigned.io boards to your Arduino IDE.

All the features and settings of the modem can be configured through an intuitive and simple graphical desktop application, that works on both Linux, Mac and Windows.

Optionally, OpenModem supports strong AES-128 encryption directly in-modem for private communication links. That's a first for a packet-radio TNC, and it's also the only open-source radio modem in existence that supports strong encryption. It's easy to enable and configure encryption with the configuration program.

OpenModem also adds support for logging packet radio traffic to an SD card in industry-standard PCAP format, so now you can log and inspect AX.25 traffic in WireShark.

In short, OpenModem is an incredibly flexible and well-performing radio modem and TNC. But it's also a platform for building, experimenting and learning about data transmission and packet radio.

It's also a perfect modem for running Reticulum over 1200-baud packet radio.

Can I buy it?

Yes, you can purchase it directly from my shop. I ship worldwide, and you will receive your OpenModem completely assembled, in a neat and practical case, and ready to use.

You will need to supply your own USB-cable and a cable for connecting the modem to your radio or other equipment. If you don't have one already, see the "Connecting to a radio" section of the user manual for instructions.

Need something specific?

OpenModem is a very flexible platform, and I offer programming and system design services to create custom solutions. Just get in touch over email and let me know what you need.

Resources & Downloads


Here's a list of specifications for OpenModem. If you have any other questions regarding specs, just send me an email, or ask in a comment on this page.

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