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RNode Configuration Utility

Configure, update, flash, backup and install your RNode with this handy utility.

RNode is a flexible digital radio transceiver, and this tool allows you to install and configure RNodes built on a variety of different platforms and boards. With this tool you can configure and update existing RNodes, or make your own RNodes from supported boards and modules.

Supported Devices

Currently the RNode Configuration Utility supports:

You can use the included autoinstaller to automatically install and provision the RNode firmware on any supported board.


The easiest way to install the configuration utility is with pip:

# If you don't already have pip installed
sudo apt install python-pip

# Install rnodeconf included in the rns package with pip
pip install rns

# Run rnodeconf
rnodeconf --help

Usage Overview

RNode can operate in two modes, host-controlled (default) and TNC mode:

For a complete description of RNodes capabilities, documentation and more, please refer to the RNode page and the RNode Firmware page.

usage: rnodeconf [-h] [-i] [-a] [-u] [-U] [--fw-version version] [--nocheck]
                 [-e] [-E] [-C] [-N] [-T] [-b] [-B] [-p]
                 [--freq Hz] [--bw Hz] [--txp dBm] [--sf factor] [--cr rate]
                 [--eeprom-backup] [--eeprom-dump] [--eeprom-wipe] [--version]

RNode Configuration and firmware utility. This program allows you to change various settings
and startup modes of an RNode.

It can also install, flash and update the firmware on supported devices.

positional arguments:
  port                  serial port where RNode is attached

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i, --info            Show device info
  -a, --autoinstall     Automatic installation on various supported devices
  -u, --update          Update firmware to the latest version
  -U, --force-update    Update to specified firmware even if version matches or is older than installed version
  --fw-version version  Use a specific firmware version for update or autoinstall
  --nocheck             Don't check for firmware updates online
  -e, --extract         Extract firmware from connected RNode for later use
  -E, --use-extracted   Use the extracted firmware for autoinstallation or update
  -C, --clear-cache     Clear locally cached firmware files
  -N, --normal          Switch device to normal mode
  -T, --tnc             Switch device to TNC mode
  -b, --bluetooth-on    Turn device bluetooth on
  -B, --bluetooth-off   Turn device bluetooth off
  -p, --bluetooth-pair  Put device into bluetooth pairing mode
  --freq Hz             Frequency in Hz for TNC mode
  --bw Hz               Bandwidth in Hz for TNC mode
  --txp dBm             TX power in dBm for TNC mode
  --sf factor           Spreading factor for TNC mode (7 - 12)
  --cr rate             Coding rate for TNC mode (5 - 8)
  --eeprom-backup       Backup EEPROM to file
  --eeprom-dump         Dump EEPROM to console
  --eeprom-wipe         Unlock and wipe EEPROM
  --version             Print program version and exit

Command Examples

Show device info

Print info like serial number, hardware revision, model and firmware version.

rnodeconf /dev/ttyUSB0 -i

Update the firmware

Grab the latest precompiled firmware from the RNode Firmware repository and flash it to the device.

rnodeconf /dev/ttyUSB0 -u

Start the autoinstaller

Start the autoinstallation guide for turning a compatible device into an RNode.

rnodeconf --autoinstall

Set RNode to TNC mode

If you just specify the -T option, the utility will ask you for the necessary parameters.

rnodeconf /dev/ttyUSB0 -T

You can also specify all the options on the command line.

rnodeconf /dev/ttyuUSB0 -T --freq 868000000 --bw 125000 --txp 2 --sf 7 --cr 5

Set RNode to host-controlled mode

Use the -N option to set the device to host-controlled mode.

rnodeconf /dev/ttyUSB0 -N

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